Our Process

1. Consultation

Architecture is a collaborative process, and every successful project begins with an open and honest conversation about aspirations and challenges. This is a time for the client and architect to listen, ask questions of each other, and consider possibilities. We will also talk about your project in practical terms: What are the most important considerations? How long will the project take to complete? How much might it cost?

These discussions will continue throughout the design process, and we strive to be effective, attentive communicators in all phases of your project. Our joint goals may evolve, and we will continuously revisit and expand our discussions to ensure a finished project that effectively meets your objectives and budget.

2. Schematic Design

In the Schematic Design phase, we begin to imagine and conceptualize the possibilities of your project through drawing. The development of a design is iterative, and you might be presented with multiple concepts during this phase. Some of these concepts may challenge our initial assumptions and lead to unexpected and exciting ideas. Site plans, conceptual floor plans, and three-dimensional renderings may be part of the conversation. This phase concludes when we have collaboratively defined a single concept to be developed moving forward.

3. Design Development

The refinement and development of the concept take place during Design Development. 

We begin to consider the proportions of spaces, interior and exterior materials, cabinetry, lighting, and the structure itself. At this time, we might also consider inviting outside consultants – such as an engineer or interior designer – to lend their expertise to the project.  

This phase concludes with a drawing set that explains the overall scope and design of the project. If a contractor is involved in the project at this stage, they can use this drawing set to produce a preliminary cost estimate. 

4. Construction Documents 

At the point at which this phase begins, most big decisions have been made. The task now is to explore and develop construction details and fully integrate the structure, lighting, and mechanical systems into the project. The outcome of this phase is a drawing set suitable for permitting and construction. 

5. Bidding and Contractor Selection

The type of contractor relationship that best serves you depends on the specifics of the project. A competitive bid process makes sense in some instances. Sometimes, however, a client may come with a contractor already in mind, or we may select one early on in our discussions. We will work with you to navigate this process and prepare bid documents when they are required. When contractors present bids or estimates, we review them carefully with you, relying on our years of experience to determine and share the merits of each quote. 

6. Construction Oversight

In many ways, we believe that overseeing the construction of your project is the most important part of our job. We are your advocates throughout construction and make regular site visits to ensure that your project is built to our expectations and yours. We review and approve mock-ups, material samples, and other submittals with you, and we work collaboratively with your contractor to answer questions and provide additional information as needed. We also review contractor invoices throughout the construction period to ensure that their charges align with the work they have performed.